Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Interview Skills That Win the Job : Simple Techniques for Answering All the Tough Questions

Interview Skills That Win the Job : Simple Techniques for Answering All the Tough Questions
Containing simple techniques designed to enable a job applicant to ace his or her next interview, this guide teaches the interviewee how to handle everything from the trickiest questions to body language and from proper attire to conquering nerves. Interview myths are deconstructed and useful answers are provided for the most common interview questions. Tips on how to effectively communicate job skills and motivation level are included, as well as how to build a rapport and feeling of trust with the interviewer. Aimed at anyone seeking a job, the tools taught in this guide will impress even the most cynical of interviewers.


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The Science of Influence: How to Get Anyone to Say "Yes" in 8 Minutes or Less!

The Science of Influence: How to Get Anyone to Say "Yes" in 8 Minutes or Less!
New secrets to getting what you want every time

The Science of Influence shows readers how to get anyone to say "yes" in eight minutes or less. Synthesizing the latest research in the field of influence with real-world tested experiences, it presents simple secrets that help readers turn a "no" into a "yes." Every secret in this book has been rigorously tested, validated, and found reliable academically and in the real world.

Readers learn dozens of all-new techniques and strategies for influencing others including how to reduce resistance to rubble; send unconscious nonverbal messages that are consciously undetectable; make people feel instantly comfortable in your presence; decode body language; build credibility; and be persistent without being a pain.

The Science of Influence turns the enigmatic art of influence and persuasion into a science anyone can master.

Kevin Hogan, PsyD (Eagan, MN), is a dynamic motivational speaker and expert on unconscious influence and body language for the BBC, the New York Post, and such popular magazines as Cosmopolitan and Playboy. He teaches Persuasion and Influence at the University of St. Thomas Management Center. He is the author of 12 books including bestsellers such as Irresistible Attraction: Secrets of Personal Magnetism and The Psychology of Persuasion.


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The Dictionary of Dreams: 10,000 Dreams Interpreted

The Dictionary of Dreams: 10,000 Dreams Interpreted
Gustavus Hindman Miller’s groundbreaking masterwork, published nearly a century ago, remains the most compelling and thorough study of all the symbols that appear in our dreamscape.

Updated and wonderfully easy to follow, it’s an invaluable source of information, and key to understanding the unconscious impulses that guide us.

Miller offers an enlightening introduction to dreams in history, dream types (spiritual, mixed, and allegorical), and to prescient dreams that provide a privileged glimpse into the future.

Make contact with your inner self through this bedside companion.


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The 100% Brain Course: Creative Exercises to Develop 100% of Your Brain

The 100% Brain Course: Creative Exercises to Develop 100% of Your Brain
This gigantic 21st Century course manual has a staggering accumulation of 223 mind exercises designed to allow a person to use their complete brain. The exercises involve balancing your emotions, increasing your memory, improving your creativity, enhancing your sensory appreciation and much, much more - time distortion, lightning calculating, speed reading, self-hypnosis, multi-tasking, etc.


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Accelerated Learning

Accelerated Learning
“How memory’s secrets unlocked the way to relaxed, easy learning.”

“Psychology” magazine called Accelerated Learning “The key to the 21st Century” and educational Psychologist Dr. Jean Houston claims “we are just beginning to discover the virtually limitless capacities of the mind”.

Certainly it is a timely breakthrough, because we live in an age where the fast acquisition of more and more knowledge is a necessity. Accelerated Learning can achieve this, and because the results are so immediate, learning becomes enjoyable, satisfying and therefore motivating.


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Mind Games: The Aging Brain and How to Keep it Healthy

Mind Games: The Aging Brain and How to Keep it Healthy
The brain, just like any other muscle, is strengthened through use. Mind Games teaches you the latest concepts on the workings of memory and how to apply them to "train your brain." Whether you are looking to sharpen your own memory, or the memory of a loved one, this book will provide the strategies and techniques needed. From mental exercises, games and activities, to diet recommendations and physical exercises, this resource can be used to train your brain for life. (mind, brain, health, memory)


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Conquering a Sense of Inferiority

Conquering a Sense of Inferiority
Written for people with low self-esteem, this booklet explores what factors in a person's life may make them feel inferior, what affect these feelings can have on their lives, and how they can change.


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Managing Your Headaches

Managing Your Headaches
Frequent headaches seriously affect the quality of life for millions of sufferers. The result can be lost productivity and lost income, restricted ability, lower self-esteem, and even social isolation. For many it takes years to find the appropriate medication to manage their headaches effectively. In MANAGING YOUR HEADACHES, Dr. Mark and Leah Green explain what information you should record for your physician, what a physician is looking for in a neurological examination, and what you should and should not do to reduce the frequency and severity of your headaches. They discuss the effects of stress, psychological factors, food triggers, and environmental risks. The authors explain the symptoms of migraine, cluster, and tension-type headaches, as well as less common types. They address common concerns and misconceptions and explain current knowledge about headache causes in understandable terms. The newest most effective medications and their possible side effects are evaluated. The authors also explain how to prevent rebound headaches from overmedication and how nonmedical treatments, such as exercise and massage therapy, can be of value. MANAGING YOUR HEADACHES will tell you what you need to know to better control your headaches. Armed with the information in this book, you can be aware of the latest treatment options and can have more helpful discussions with your physician. Dr. Mark Green is a Professor of Neurology at New York Medical College and Associate Director of the Headache Institute at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center and Beth Israel Hospital Center in New York City. Dr. Leah Green is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at New York Medical College in Valhalla.


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Conquering Fear

Conquering Fear

Written for people with low self-esteem, this booklet explores what factors in a person's life may make them feel inferior, what affect these feelings can have on their lives, and how they can change.


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Larry King: How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere [AUDIOBOOK]

Larry King: How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere [AUDIOBOOK]
King, host of CNN's Larry King Live, here sets out to instruct readers on how to talk confidently and effectively in a variety of situations, such as job interviews, business presentations, social events and even discussions with one's spouse. Shyness and "bloopers" can be turned into assets, comments King, who relates how he clammed up the first time he was on a radio show. By openly admitting his nervousness, he claims he disarmed his listeners. Filled with practical advice, amusing anecdotes and a chapter on his "best and worst guests," this self-help guide, written with freelancer Gilbert, will be a hit with King devotees.


Size: 35.6MB

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Defeat Shyness: How to Change Your Shyness

Defeat Shyness: How to Change Your Shyness
Was I Born With It? Nature vs. Nurture
While it is possible that shyness is (partly) caused by your genetic make up, it is my belief that learned behavior (the Nurture part) is much more powerful. There are so many cases of happy, healthy, vibrant and outgoing children having their personalities ravaged by abusive parents or other traumatic situations. And, believe it or not, the opposite is also true. Quiet, timid, withdrawn people can become more sociable in the same way. Catatonics and autisms can be brought back to life; people with "learning disabilities" can become fully literate. It just takes the right tools. Everything you need to overcome shyness and just be yourself is at your fingertips.


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Kiss Me Collection

Kiss Me Collection
This pack dubbed, Kiss Me, is a collection of how-to’s and tutorials dealing with the art of kissing. As a bonus, material on seduction and how to execute it without fear and/or embarrassment is included.


1. Art Of Kissing by Hugh Morris
2. Girl Kissing Secrets Exposed
3. Without Embarrassment: The Social Coward’s Totally Fearless Seduction System


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How to Develop Super-Power Memory

How to Develop Super-Power Memory
Mark Twain is reported to have said that "everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it." Similarly, everyone talks or brags about their bad memory,but few people ever do anything about it. Let's face it, there isn't much you can do about the weather, but there's a great deal that you can do about your bad memory. Many people have told me that they would "give a million dollars" if they could acquire a memory like mine. Well, don't misunderstand me, I wouldn't turn down your offer of a million dollars; but, actually the price of this book is all you need to spend.


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How To Control Your Brain At Will

How To Control Your Brain At Will

Over the last few years, a number of works of this kind have appeared, and my adding a stone to the edifice was above all a response to the needs of my patients; I also wished to enlighten people as to the cause of these nervous disorders, known under various names such as neurasthenia, psychoneurosis or psychasthenia; and finally to develop my personal point of view on the subject of treatment. So it is above all the patients, suffering from these disorders, whom I am addressing, and that is why I tried, as much as possible, to simplify anything in this study which seemed too abstract. My primary objective is to show you, as best I can, why people get sick, and how they can be cured. This training method, if I may be permitted to call it that, is based on the certainty that all psychasthenic disorders are caused by a malfunction in the brain, and that it is in the brain, and nowhere else, that we must look for solutions.


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American Accent Training

American Accent Training

American Accent Training was created to help people "sound American" for lectures, interviews, teaching, business situations, and general daily communication. Although America has many regional pronunciation differences, the accent you will learn is that of standard American English as spoken and understood by the majority of educated native speakers in the United States. Don't worry that you will sound slangy or too casual because you most definitely won't. This is the way a professor lectures to a class, the way a national newscaster broadcasts, the way that is most comfortable and familiar to the majority of native speakers.


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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ

From the Back Cover
You're no idiot, of course. You've read a few books and can hold your own in a room full of university professors. But when it comes to problem-solving and understanding complex theories and facts, you feel like your brain is going to explode. Don't reach for the aspirin just yet! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ unlocks the secrets of you brain and teaches you how to whip those sparking synapses into shape. In this Complete Idiot's Guide, you get:
Product Details

* Paperback: 352 pages
* Publisher: Alpha; 1st edition (December 23, 1998)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0028627245
* ISBN-13: 978-0028627243


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Everyday Math Books Collection

Everyday Math Books Collection


This pack is a collection of mathematics books that teaches you to perform everyday calculations quicker and easier than ever before. In this series, you will learn to perform advanced calculations in your head and will never have to struggle without a calculator. Impress your friends and family, never get short-changed again.

1. Mathemagic workbook
Train your mental calculation skill

2. Vedic Math Genius
“What The Ancients Knew That Can Help Anyone Achieve Better Grades In The Math Class”

3. Fun With Figures
"Brilliant mental shortcuts that amaze everyone!”

4. Special report : how to unleash your natural ability for mental math by discovering "The Secret Mathematician" hidden deep within you

5. Bonus : Math training software !!


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Turn on the Human Calculator in You!

Turn on the Human Calculator in You!


The primary goal for this program is to motivate. Students and adults alike who feel they are "poor at mathematics" often perform below their true ability level in other scholastic courses and in the workplace, by avoiding math. Our system will not make each person who studies it a genius, however, those who practice the strategies will look at math and all other courses of study in a more enjoyable and more confident light. You will be acquiring a healthier self concept and attitude towards numbers and higher mathematics.

The "payment" for this system is your own time and practice of our strategies. The "pay back" will be the following:

•Experiencing a great deal of success with math and working with numbers.
•Seeing that your success is a reality due to your own efforts.
•Quick and accurate recall of basic facts.
•Application of a real understanding of place values.
•Ability to do mental calculations quickly.
•Skill in changing data into mentally manageable forms.
•Skill in applying the knowledge of order of operations and properties of numbers.
• ... and most importantly the confidence of seeing that you are a success in a field that was a wall of stalled success only a short time ago.


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Games People Play

Games People Play


We think we’re relating to other people–but actually we’re all playing games.

Forty years ago, Games People Play revolutionized our understanding of what really goes on during our most basic social interactions. More than five million copies later, Dr. Eric Berne’s classic is as astonishing–and revealing–as it was on the day it was first published. This anniversary edition features a new introduction by Dr. James R. Allen, president of the International Transactional Analysis Association, and Kurt Vonnegut’s brilliant Life magazine review from 1965.
We play games all the time–sexual games, marital games, power games with our bosses, and competitive games with our friends. Detailing status contests like “Martini” (I know a better way), to lethal couples combat like “If It Weren’t For You” and “Uproar,” to flirtation favorites like “The Stocking Game” and “Let’s You and Him Fight,” Dr. Berne exposes the secret ploys and unconscious maneuvers that rule our intimate lives.
Explosive when it first appeared, Games People Play is now widely recognized as the most original and influential popular psychology book of our time. It’s as powerful and eye-opening as ever.


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Talking with Confidence for the Painfully Shy (AUDIOBOOK)

Talking with Confidence for the Painfully Shy (AUDIOBOOK)


If 75 percent of all adults consider themselves to be shy in one or more social or business situations, this is the book that can help. Gabor shares techniques he has used in conversation workshops since 1980. The examples and exercises are intended to help victims of shyness build confidence while overcoming nervousness and fear of rejection or even potential hostility. The book is divided into three useful sections. Part one, "Kicking the Shyness Habit," explains how to change the way one talks to oneself, share interests, and display a sense of humor. Part two, "Speaking in Social Situations," discusses small talk, mingling at parties, hosting a get-together, making toasts, developing phone relationships, and avoiding "toxic conversations." Part three, "Speaking in Business Situations," suggests how to survive interviews, give a speech, negotiate, network, conduct meetings, and deal with difficult clients. It even recommends ways to make new business contacts on airplanes. This is a straightforward, practical guide for people who wants to learn to flex their communication muscles.


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Handwriting Success Secrets

Handwriting Success Secrets

This book reveals a wealth of "Success Secrets" I have learned from numerous rich and happy people. You will naturally learn how you can de-program ineffective mental programs and "design" new mental programs that get the outcomes you really want. This book puts you in complete control of your own sub-conscious mind.

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Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life Workbook

Change Your Handwriting, Change Your Life Workbook


This workbook is designed to assist the user in working through his/her assigned grapho-therapy suggestions. This workbook is self-administered. This workbook is designed with many different motivation, self-awareness, and therapeutic techniques employed throughout its pages. The suggested handwriting stroke changes are derived from the behavior science of grapho-therapy. This is the cutting edge of new applications of graphology. The sub-conscious mind will constantly be receiving positive signals to change certain personality characteristics.

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365 Steps to Self-Confidence: A Programme for Personal Transformation - In Just a Few Minutes a Day

365 Steps to Self-Confidence: A Programme for Personal Transformation - In Just a Few Minutes a Day


Confidence is crucial to a happy and fulfilling life. And yet many of us lack confidence and self-belief. As a result, we are less adventurous and less likely to get the most out of life. This book: Is a carefully structured programme to help you become more confident Gives you tools and techniques which have worked for millions of people around the world

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Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense

Practical Intelligence: The Art and Science of Common Sense


Karl Albrecht’s bestselling book Social Intelligence showed us how dealing with people and social situations can determine success both at work and in life. Now, in this groundbreaking book Practical Intelligence, Albrecht takes the next step and explains how practical intelligence (PI) qualifies as one of the key life skills and offers a conceptual structure for defining and describing common sense.

Throughout Practical Intelligence, Albrecht explains that people with practical intelligence can employ language skills, make better decisions, think in terms of options and possibilities, embrace ambiguity and complexity, articulate problems clearly and work through to solutions, have original ideas, and influence the ideas of others. Albrecht shows that everyone’s PI skills can be improved with proper education and training and challenges all of us—from parents and teachers to executives and managers—to upgrade our own skills and help others develop their own PI abilities.

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Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview

Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview


Hundreds of interview-acing words and phrases to land you the job

In a job interview, every word counts. Thats why you need to make sure you'll be prepared with exactly the right answers to any question an interviewer might throw at you. With Perfect Phrases for the Perfect Interview, you will be equipped to handle even the toughest questions. This ready reference supplies you with:

* The best answers to a wide range of interview questions, from icebreaker questions about experience to questions about specific skills to the dreaded "Why did you leave (or get fired from) your last job?"
* Exercises and resources that help you prepare for the big day
* Tips on words to avoid and on how you can convince a potential employer that you are perfect for the job

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