Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Defeat Shyness: How to Change Your Shyness

Defeat Shyness: How to Change Your Shyness
Was I Born With It? Nature vs. Nurture
While it is possible that shyness is (partly) caused by your genetic make up, it is my belief that learned behavior (the Nurture part) is much more powerful. There are so many cases of happy, healthy, vibrant and outgoing children having their personalities ravaged by abusive parents or other traumatic situations. And, believe it or not, the opposite is also true. Quiet, timid, withdrawn people can become more sociable in the same way. Catatonics and autisms can be brought back to life; people with "learning disabilities" can become fully literate. It just takes the right tools. Everything you need to overcome shyness and just be yourself is at your fingertips.


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