Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Google Searching Seretes


Google serves some 80 percent of all search queries on the Internet, making it by far the most popular search engine. Its popularity is due not only to excellent search effectiveness, but also extensive querying capabilities. However, we should also remember that the Internet is a highly dynamic medium, so the results presented by Google are not always up-to-date – some search results might be stale, while other relevant resources might not yet have been visited by Googlebot (the automatic script that browses and indexes Web resources for Google).

Table 1 presents a summary of the most important and most useful query operators along with their descriptions, while Figure 1 shows document locations referred to by the Hunting for Prey Google makes it possible to reach not just publicly available Internet resources, but also some that should never have been revealed.

What You Will Learn...

• how to use Google to find sources of personal information and other confidential data,

• how to find information about vulnerable systems and Web services,

• how to locate publicly available network devices using Google.

What You Should Know...

• how to use a Web browser,

• basic rules of operation of the HTTP protocol.


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