Sunday, August 31, 2008

Digital Signal Processing System Design, Second Edition: LabVIEW-Based Hybrid Programming

Digital Signal Processing System Design, Second Edition: LabVIEW-Based Hybrid Programming

Digital Signal Processing System Design, Second Edition: LabVIEW-Based Hybrid Programming

Paperback: 304 pages
Data: April 14, 2008
Format: PDF
Description: Reflecting LabViews new MathScripting feature, the new edition of this book combines textual and graphical programming to form a hybrid programming approach, enabling a more effective means of building and analyzing DSP systems. The hybrid programming approach allows the use of previously developed textual programming solutions to be integrated into LabVIEWs highly interactive and visual environment, providing an easier and quicker method for building DSP systems.


* The only DSP laboratory book that combines both textual and graphical programming
* 12 lab experiments that incorporate C/MATLAB code blocks into the LabVIEW graphical programming environment via the new MathScripting feature.
* Lab experiments covering basic DSP implementation topics including sampling, digital filtering, fixed-point data representation, frequency domain processing.
* Interesting applications using the hybrid programming approach, such as a keypad phone system, a software-defined radio system, and a cochlear implant simulator system
* A CD-ROM providing all the lab codes


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